Bird Photography
Featured Image: Cedar Waxwing Pair
Over 15 years of diligent habitat management and improvement have greatly strengthened the wildlife and bird population on the ranch. The bird blinds are much more than observation points; they are operations of habitat enhancement, providing consistent nutrition and water for the large populations of migrating birds from all directions. We provide twice daily feeding and regular water supply to ponds, via solar-powered wells. Practicing sustainability where possible, each of the blinds are built with recycled, repurposed materials.

Green Jay

Painted Bunting Drinking Water From Drip

Cedar Waxwing

Blue Grosbeak

Black Throated Hummingbird

Ruby Throated Hummingbird

Scott's Oriole, Immature Male

Green Jay

Black Throated Hummingbird

Male Varied Bunting

Female Summer Tanager

Yellow Breasted Chat

Painted Bunting

Long Billed Thrasher

Blue Gray Gnatcatcher

Painted Bunting

Blue Gray Gnatcatcher

Cedar Waxwing

Bronze Cow Bird

Blue Pyrrhuloxia

Yellow Breasted Chat

Cow Bird

Eastern Phoebe

Great Kiskadee

Varied Bunting